Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog Post 8: Commentary #2

It's just one thing after another with this government. First the banks, now our government... pretty soon we're going to have a global economic collapse and be stuck back in the dark ages. I mean really people, $700 BILLION dollars? Does anyone grasp the concept of that amount of money? I think I've won the lottery when I get a $700 paycheck in a week. What does that kind of money even look like? It's too bad that we couldn't have figured out this budget crisis years ago: putting it off till now only makes it harder and harder to bear living in this country. Pretty soon we're going to have an entire nation of people on welfare, no one can afford to live decently these days. I'm only hoping that next time around we can elect someone who can actually solve problems, not approve band-aids to patch them up. Congress needs to wake up and stop padding their pockets with corporate incentives and solve the economic crisis for the good of us all!

This is in reference to Shane Young's Blog Post.

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